Friday, December 5, 2008

Elijah is here!

Elijah James was born December 4, 2008, weighing 7 lbs, 12 oz and 21" long. He is perfect.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Little Overdue...

I've dropped the ball on the whole blogging thing the last couple of weeks. But here goes some catch up...

Childbirth Education Class:

-We graduate tomorrow (so to speak), or atleast it is our last day. It has been pretty good for the most part. We've gone through the breathing techniques (which I hear go out the window in the chaos that is childbirth), birthing videos, tours of L&D, and now we are approaching the end. I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already. Time is quickly moving at a slow pace right now. Seriously. Time feels like it is standing still at times. I'm sure he'll be here before I know it, which reminds me...we need to get our bags ready soon.

Baby Showers & The Nursery:

-We've had 2: Walters, FBC and CCMH L&D. We have 1 more to go: FFF (Faith Family Fellowship), Lawton. Our nursery is packed full of diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, ointments and many other baby things. We are blessed in so many ways. The nursery is ready to go, all we need is the Elijah.

Last night:

-We went to Labor & Delivery last night and it was not to aquire more gifts for the baby. It was to do a non-stress test on Elijah. Katie hadn't felt him move much yesterday and so we went up there to check everything out. They hooked Katie up and monitored his heartbeat and then we got to see him via ultrasound. I asked the tech to make sure it was indeed a boy, so she showed me his scrotum. Elijah it is. For sure. Everything checked out just fine and he began moving as soon as we got home.

The countdown:

We could have the baby by or before...
-20 Days of work
-5 Doctor Visits (1 more bi-weekly and 4 weekly)
-4 Sunday Church Services
-2 Paychecks
-2 Gallons of Milk

I'll try to get better at this as it gets closer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Childbirth Education Class...began.

Can I just say that it was just like a scene out of a movie or some sitcom? Because it was. Our instructor was a pleasant, upbeat older lady that was excited about some pregnant bellies. And plently of pregnant bellies there were. We posted up on a wall, on a blanket and with some pillows and here we began breathing techniques and ways to relieve tension caused by contractions. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I suppose I got it all. Awkward jokes, awkward moments, and a room full of clostraphobia enhanced pregnant women. Next week...the first birthing video and a tour of Labor & Delivery. Stay Tuned...

Monday, October 6, 2008


I try to wrap my head around
the sound
that escapes your lips
as I come to grips
with this new reality
that's taken over me
and as this untangible,
miracle paces
and makes his
ways into my life
I can't do it.

I can't imagine
your perfection
the Master's reflection
of joyous affection
thats manifestation
is staring back
with loving expression.

I don't want to know
what this feeling's composed
until the symphany is played
and we sway
to the rythm of hope
thats been placed in our arms.
I want the emotion
to unravel
at the notion
you travel
into the natural
and grapple
these 10,000 expressions
of joy
and love
that leave me baffled.

So I'll wait.
In sheer anticipation
with this proclomation
that I'll love you
with elation.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Its Getting Closer and Closer

And I can't help but draw a depiction of a pregnant girl everywhere I am. I don't know what it is. I'm currently taking a class at OU for my Master's, Developmental Art Therapy, and we had to free draw for 5 minutes and this is what I ended up drawing. Perhaps it has something to do with the shape of the body...who knows. I do know a few years ago, a friend painted a pregnant girl on my bedroom floor (I had pulled up my carpet and painted my concrete and then had friends paint stuff on the floor) when his wife was pregnant.

Anyways, aside from pregnant painting, time is closing in and Elijah will be here before I know it. Everything is falling into place beautifully. The nursery is done, we are gathering the essentials, Katie and Elijah are growing well and we begin "parenting education" classes in about 3 weeks. Katie is officially in her 3rd trimester and it feels as though we are on the downward slope. My nervousness seems to have ceased and I have this new confidence and self reassurance that everything is going to go just fine. My life is changing and it is for all the better. It makes me sad to hear people my age talk about how unnecessary relationships are and paint a picture of disgust at the mention of a baby. They are missing out on a miracle.

Oh, we also registered at couple of stores. You can check out our registries at,, and
We have another appointment on Monday and we then begin bi-weekly appointments.
I broke down a couple different ways to count down the arrival of baby Elijah. He'll be here after:
-11 Church Services
-5 Paydays
-3 Observed Holidays (Columbus, Veteran's and Thanksgiving Day)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Elijah's Nursery

Wall painted...check
Crib put together...check
Room Cleaned out...check
We are well on our way, now all we need is Eli. This past (labor day) weekend, my father and I worked out some painting on Saturday while Katie was at work. It wasn't that bad and didn't take as ong as I thought it would. I have to say, I'm impressed. Those are some straight lines, even upclose. There are just a few more things to do, but we have 3 months to get them done. I think we are somewhat ahead of the game right now. However, I'm sure the next few months will fly right by. He'll be here before I now it. Katie and I were looking at the crib and we both tried to imaine what he'll look like. Neither of us could do it. What will his hair look like? What gestures will he make? How big will his hands and feet be? I can't wait to find out and, even though I'm ready for him to be here, I am enjoying this time right now. These times with Katie are priceless (even if she cries...alot). So here's to the next three months. God be with us.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Get things done a lil at a time...

So here's where we're at:
-The crib is put together. I'll post some pictures later.
-The room is half way cleaned out (Katie still has some school stuff in there).
-The paint color for the walls is picked out. It's called Pearl Lake (it's blue, I'd call it baby blue).
-The clothes we have are seperated and the changing table is coming together.
-We got the quilt from Pottery Barn and will be buying other pieces over the next few months. We are also going to register there (I think, but I could be wrong).

I think Labor Day weekend will be rather laborous for me, as I plan to get alot done over those few days.

We've been reading to him every night and he seems to enjoy some Dr. Seuss and Disney. He really starts kicking when we're reading to him. I can't help but notice every baby around me and wonder what he'll look like, smell like and feel like. I know to everyone else, he'll be a baby. Not to me, though, he'll be my son. That's somewhat difficult to wrap my head around at times but it has me engulfed in this new phase of curiosity. This new sense of who I am in Christ, who I am as a husband, a brother, a son, a worker and a friend. I'm ever changing, constantly the same, knowing who I am and from where I came.

God is love, Rev. Run
Oops. I mean, nevertheless, God is love. Aaron

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The joys of putting together a nursery

Oh the joys of putting the nursery together! And it's only just beginning. This past weekend we got our crib and changing table, so that itch to get it all put together has begun. Katie picked out this baby spread from pottery barn and we got the quilt this week, which Katie loved. We are now going to get everything in pieces. I also plan on painting the wall similar to the one pictured above, but who knows when. I'm sure I will be posting the process that will soon begin. Anyone that wants to help paint, be sure to let me know. There's room for everyone.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Elijah Kicks

Elijah is kicking. It has to be one of the coolest things I've ever experienced. To know that he is growing on the inside and it is now evident on the outside, even tho we can't see him yet is an amazing realization. The first time I felt him was about 2 weeks ago. It was a Friday and I was laying on the bed and Katie ran in and pounced on me. I flipped her over and started playing with her belly (just to be obnoxious). I stopped and got a thump thump response. Being startled, I looked up at Katie and she said "That's the baby". I put my hand on her belly again and felt another thump. It was such a perfect moment.

I felt him kick again this morning and that is what has prompted this post. I'm one very excited soon-to-be dad. I really can't wait.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Name

His name will be Elijah James. The majority of people I've told this to have liked the name. A few seemed puzzled about the decision, not that it was their decision to make. We chose Elijah from the bible.


Language/Cultural Origin: Hebrew

Inherent Meaning: The Lord is My God.

Spiritual Connotation: Spiritual Champion

Scripture: Proverbs 3:6

In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

James is a family name. It is my father's and grandfather's name.


Language/Cultural Origin: Hebrew

Inherent Meaning: Supplanter.

Spiritual Connotation: Nurtured

Scripture: Psalm 23:4

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

I cannot wait to meet my son, Elijah James.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mark 11:22-25

Elijah's Foot.
Elijah's Profile.
Elijah's Boy Parts.
Words can not explain how excited I am that we're having a boy.

So for now I'll remain speechless.
Mark 11:22-25 (The Message)
22-25Jesus was matter-of-fact: "Embrace this God-life. Really embrace it, and nothing will be too much for you. This mountain, for instance: Just say, 'Go jump in the lake'—no shuffling or shilly-shallying—and it's as good as done. That's why I urge you to pray for absolutely everything, ranging from small to large. Include everything as you embrace this God-life, and you'll get God's everything. And when you assume the posture of prayer, remember that it's not all asking. If you have anything against someone, forgive—only then will your heavenly Father be inclined to also wipe your slate clean of sins."

Monday, July 14, 2008

Meet Elijah James

Here is Elijah James in all his glory! You're looking at him as though he is sitting on glass above your head. You can see his two legs and his manhood right there in the middle.

He is growing just fine. We saw all 10 fingers and toes today. His heartbeat was 141 beats/min. He weighs about 11 ounces (which is a little big for now, better big than small).

Watching this baby grow from cells into a living, heartbeating, breathing baby is something that is hard to put words to. It literally leaves me speechless and in awe of the power of God. HE's (God's) real. I saw him today.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Isn't She Beautiful

I'm Blessed.

I mean really, undoubtedly blessed.

Sometimes it's hard to see it, getting caught up in day to day business. Psalms 139: 7-12 says

"Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? To be out of your sight? If I climb to the sky, you're there! If I go underground, you're there! If I flew on morning's wings to the far western horizon, You'd find me in a minute— you're already there waiting! Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark! At night I'm immersed in the light!" It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you; night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you.

God is everywhere. Look for him or not...he's everywhere. He's in your busy schedule and he's in the most peaceful afternoon. It's up to us to take the time to see him, talk to him, to grow in a relationship with our Father God. A God that craves relationship. So here's where I'm at: this point to choose to see who God is. He is far more than this God who sits and heaven and moves people around like a pawn on a chess board. He is a God that is closer than our next breath (Job 27:3). He is a God that loves his people (John 3:16 among many, many other scriptres) and wants nothing more than a living, breathing relationship with. So I enourage to stop. Enjoy God. Enjoy the people around you. Enjoy their differences. Enjoy their life.

I only want to revel in the love of my wife right now. I want to enjoy every aspect of her. She's carrying my child, that God is perfectly molding this minute.

Yes. I am blessed.

Peace out. Aaron

Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Names

So we've been talking about baby names for the past couple weeks, and maybe it will get easier once we know if it's a boy or girl. For now, though, it is quite a complicated thing. Atleast for me. I mean a name is forever and it's one of the first things that defines him or her. It seems copmlicated and I don't know that it should.

I guess it is more complicated if it's a girl because if it's a boy he'll be named Elijah Joel Russell. But a girl. Here it gets all copmlicated. Katie likes the name Kyleigh Ann, which I like. We've also talked about the names Hannah and Hailey Grace. Whats in a name?

Feel free to throw down any names you might have rolling around that head of yours.

Stay tuned. We have to have a name, atleast by December 11th.

Peace Out. Aaron

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

1st Ultrasound

This is our 1st Ultrasound.
Notice it's from May 12.
Our second ultrasound is Monday, July 14th.
Thats when we find out if it's going to be a boy or girl.

Katie wants a girl.
I don't know what I want.

A boy would be fun because, well, it would be a boy.
He'll play sports, camp, rough house ad be a boy.

It seems obvious enough.

But a girl...well she might just have me around her finger.
She'll be sure to be "Daddy's girl".

So more than anything I just want it to be, as cliche as it sounds,
a happy, healthy baby with 10 fingers and 10 toes.

I guess we'll know soon enough.

Peace out.

Monday, July 7, 2008

18 Weeks & Counting

The baby is on it's way. This is how I've decided to document the journey. It's not for you. It's for me, but I'm inviting you on the journey.


I revel in your beauty.
I rejoice in your grace.
I want to hold you to me
and look into your face.
This joy that overflows
only grows
at the mere mention of a baby
and saves me
from this mundane
everythings the same
everyone's to blame
hopes gone to shame
that gets cast over me
but I refuse to believe
and choose to see
the beauty in the trees
hope in the breeze
this peace consumes me
created for us
loved by me
for this perfect
sleeping baby.

My baby.