Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Little Overdue...

I've dropped the ball on the whole blogging thing the last couple of weeks. But here goes some catch up...

Childbirth Education Class:

-We graduate tomorrow (so to speak), or atleast it is our last day. It has been pretty good for the most part. We've gone through the breathing techniques (which I hear go out the window in the chaos that is childbirth), birthing videos, tours of L&D, and now we are approaching the end. I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already. Time is quickly moving at a slow pace right now. Seriously. Time feels like it is standing still at times. I'm sure he'll be here before I know it, which reminds me...we need to get our bags ready soon.

Baby Showers & The Nursery:

-We've had 2: Walters, FBC and CCMH L&D. We have 1 more to go: FFF (Faith Family Fellowship), Lawton. Our nursery is packed full of diapers, wipes, clothes, toys, ointments and many other baby things. We are blessed in so many ways. The nursery is ready to go, all we need is the Elijah.

Last night:

-We went to Labor & Delivery last night and it was not to aquire more gifts for the baby. It was to do a non-stress test on Elijah. Katie hadn't felt him move much yesterday and so we went up there to check everything out. They hooked Katie up and monitored his heartbeat and then we got to see him via ultrasound. I asked the tech to make sure it was indeed a boy, so she showed me his scrotum. Elijah it is. For sure. Everything checked out just fine and he began moving as soon as we got home.

The countdown:

We could have the baby by or before...
-20 Days of work
-5 Doctor Visits (1 more bi-weekly and 4 weekly)
-4 Sunday Church Services
-2 Paychecks
-2 Gallons of Milk

I'll try to get better at this as it gets closer.