Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Its Getting Closer and Closer

And I can't help but draw a depiction of a pregnant girl everywhere I am. I don't know what it is. I'm currently taking a class at OU for my Master's, Developmental Art Therapy, and we had to free draw for 5 minutes and this is what I ended up drawing. Perhaps it has something to do with the shape of the body...who knows. I do know a few years ago, a friend painted a pregnant girl on my bedroom floor (I had pulled up my carpet and painted my concrete and then had friends paint stuff on the floor) when his wife was pregnant.

Anyways, aside from pregnant painting, time is closing in and Elijah will be here before I know it. Everything is falling into place beautifully. The nursery is done, we are gathering the essentials, Katie and Elijah are growing well and we begin "parenting education" classes in about 3 weeks. Katie is officially in her 3rd trimester and it feels as though we are on the downward slope. My nervousness seems to have ceased and I have this new confidence and self reassurance that everything is going to go just fine. My life is changing and it is for all the better. It makes me sad to hear people my age talk about how unnecessary relationships are and paint a picture of disgust at the mention of a baby. They are missing out on a miracle.

Oh, we also registered at couple of stores. You can check out our registries at,, and
We have another appointment on Monday and we then begin bi-weekly appointments.
I broke down a couple different ways to count down the arrival of baby Elijah. He'll be here after:
-11 Church Services
-5 Paydays
-3 Observed Holidays (Columbus, Veteran's and Thanksgiving Day)


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Elijah's Nursery

Wall painted...check
Crib put together...check
Room Cleaned out...check
We are well on our way, now all we need is Eli. This past (labor day) weekend, my father and I worked out some painting on Saturday while Katie was at work. It wasn't that bad and didn't take as ong as I thought it would. I have to say, I'm impressed. Those are some straight lines, even upclose. There are just a few more things to do, but we have 3 months to get them done. I think we are somewhat ahead of the game right now. However, I'm sure the next few months will fly right by. He'll be here before I now it. Katie and I were looking at the crib and we both tried to imaine what he'll look like. Neither of us could do it. What will his hair look like? What gestures will he make? How big will his hands and feet be? I can't wait to find out and, even though I'm ready for him to be here, I am enjoying this time right now. These times with Katie are priceless (even if she cries...alot). So here's to the next three months. God be with us.